
The Office of Human Resources Management (OHRM) oversees the examinations processes for
Prince George’s County Government. OHRM collaborates with County agencies and testing vendors
to provide test development and administration.

At OHRM, our purpose is to uphold the highest standards of professionalism, fairness, and
effectiveness in our examination and recruitment processes. We recognize that our workforce's
integrity and efficiency are vital to achieving our organizational goals and serving our community with

Public Safety Promotional Examinations

Sworn promotional examinations assess the qualifications and readiness of current employees within
an agency for advancement to higher positions or ranks. These exams aim to identify individuals who
possess the necessary experience, knowledge, skills, and abilities, to effectively fulfill the
responsibilities of higher-level positions within the organization.

Entry - Level Examinations

Entry-level examinations identify and evaluate candidates who have the necessary qualifications, skills,
and attributes to begin a career in public safety. This process can include a physical fitness test,
background check, etc.

Administrative Examinations

Administrative examinations assess candidates' knowledge, skills, and abilities related to tasks and
responsibilities within an organization.