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Environmental Complaints

  • health risk associated with a place that sells food such as a restaurant, grocery store, carry-outconvenience store.  
  • Any food safety complaint related to a mobile food truck or special event operation
  • Overflow of on-site sewage disposal systems 
  • Overflow of public sewers, over 10,000 gallons, into a waterway (in conjunction with WSSC/Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission)
  • Violation of health and safety standards at public swimming pools and spas
  • Smoke, odors, open burning, dust, and other pollutants (Referrals to Maryland Department of the Environment for enforcement
  • Oil spills or improper oil dumping (Referrals to Maryland Department of the Environment for enforcement) 
  • The Clean Indoor Air Act (CIAA) of 2007 prohibits smoking in indoor places, including restaurants and bars, and most other businesses with indoor areas open to the public in Maryland.

Forward Your Environmental Complaints to CountyClick (Dial 311)