Trade Permits Accepted in Momentum

New trade permits (electrical and mechanical) that do not require a building permit are accepted in Momentum. If your electrical or mechanical permit is related to an existing construction permit that was issued in ePermits, you must continue to use this process to apply for that electrical or mechanical permit in ePermits with the same link you have been using, referencing the existing case number.
Otherwise, you will use the legacy ePermits online system for the following only:
- Cell Tower Permits
- Special Utility Permits
- Department of Environment Permits
- Electrical, Mechanical and Fire Permits that are associated with an existing permit in ePermits
- For Sewer/septic applications please fill out an application and forward to
- For Well applications please fill out this application and forward to
- For revisions to applications/permit prior to 5/1/23, you must utilize the existing revision process through ePlan.
For all other permits you must use Momentum.
DPIE construction permits are also accepted in Momentum, following the same exceptions.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How would I know if my permit was issued in ePermits vs Momentum?
If your permit number begins with a number 0000-2023-0, your permit was issued in ePermits. Momentum permit numbers start with the letter “P” and have a numbering system that is completely different from ePermits.
Does ePlan/ProjectDox change?
No, the County will continue to process permit reviews in ePlan. However, the ePlan process does vary slightly depending on whether the permit application occurred in ePermits or Momentum. However, you will not have to do anything to adjust.
How will inspections for trade permits be impacted on Monday, April 24th?
Trade permits that were issued in our current ePermits system will continue to have inspections scheduled as has been done in the past by calling (301) 755-9000 or scheduling online. For trade permits issued in Momentum, you will call the same number, (301) 755-9000, to schedule an inspection.
How would I know if my electrical or mechanical permit requires a building permit?
If the work is for the repair or replacement of an existing system with the same size, tonnage and location, a building permit is not required. All other electrical or mechanical work will require a building permit.