Plumbing Work by Homeowners
Persons who own an existing single family dwelling or conventional townhouse unit are allowed, by regulation, to perform certain plumbing work without a permit. Homeowners also may perform certain plumbing work that requires a plumbing permit, subject to specific limitations. Generally, permits are not required for the replacement of existing plumbing fixtures, except for water heaters and testable backflow devices.
DPIE does not review plumbing plans or issue any plumbing permits. All plumbing permits are issued by Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC), which has a satellite office at DPIE. Office hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. and Wednesday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. (The office closes for lunch every day from Noon to 12:30 p.m.)
This office provides customers support and coordination to facilitate the process of obtaining WSSC water and/or sewer plan approvals and permits including:
- Coordinate WSSC approvals necessary for building permit release.
- Review electronic water- and/or sewer-related plans:
- Systems Extension Permits
- Site Utility Plans
- Minor Site Utility Plans
- Hydraulic Analysis
- Planning Commission Preliminary Plans
- Provide guidance and information regarding permitting processes.
- Joint WSSC and County staff consultation of construction projects and development.
- Manage plumbing and gas service connection permits electronically via the Momentum portal.
Plumbing inspections are handled by the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission.
For WSSC (main office in Laurel), send an email to Plumbingplansreview@wsscwater.com or call 301-206-8886. For more information, call 301-206-4003.