DPIE Connect — General Design Overview for Small Businesses

DPIE encourages small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs to participate in our DPIE Connect program. DPIE Connect will bring agency experts together with entrepreneurs aspiring to open businesses in a free, one-hour General Design Overview meeting recommended for businesses up to 3,000 sq. ft. Staff from DPIE’s Permitting and Licensing Division, Building Plan Review Division, Inspections Division, and Business Development Section (BDS) will participate. Topics of discussion include application requirements, permits, licenses, inspections, fees, and plan review code-related questions covering building/structural, electrical, mechanical, fire & life safety, health and ADA accessibility. The scope of projects applicable for DPIE Connect include:
- Projects requesting straight U&O — no construction;
- Projects with change of occupancy — no construction;
- Projects with interior alterations not exceeding 3,000 sq. ft. in area; or
- Projects not more than one story in height.
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), which includes zoning, and the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) will not participate. However, depending on your project, you may be required to obtain approvals and/or permits from these agencies and DPIE’s Site/Road Plan Review Division. DPIE recommends that you submit an information request to M-NCPPC to receive zoning approval for your proposed use. Please contact these agencies and division separately as needed:
General Disclaimer
- Items discussed during the virtual meeting do not constitute a plan review or approval; the plans will be reviewed for compliance when submitted.
- Staff will not provide consultation services. The staff will answer questions or ask questions related to plan review. If the project involves design, it is recommended that a Professional Architect or an Engineer be present.
- DPIE Connect meetings are limited to 1 hour in duration.
- The applicant/owner shall take meeting minutes/notes and send to DPIE staff for confirmation within five business days of the meeting.
Schedule a Meeting
Click here for the "DPIE Connect" form. Send the completed form, with any photos or videos, to DPIEconnect@co.pg.md.us.