Use & Occupancy Permit
A Certificate of Occupancy or Use and Occupancy Permit is issued by the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement to officially state that the business identified meets local zoning and safety requirements, health codes, and may legally operate. A new Use and Occupancy Permit is required when a change of tenant/occupant, use or ownership occurs, and no construction is required. If construction is involved, visit the Commercial Building page for information on the Commercial Alteration with Use & Occupancy Permit.
For more information before applying, read the "Change of Occupancy (Use) per the Building Code" document.
To apply for a Use & Occupancy Permit (U&O), visit the Momentum portal and create a building permit application.
The following plans and documents are required for a Use and Occupancy Permit with no construction and no change of occupancy (use):
- Property Tax ID Number
- Site/Plot Plans that show Lot, Building, and Parking
- Submittal of the application documents your attestation that you are authorized to submit the application for permit and that all statements on the application are true and complete.
Food Service Facility Plan Review Requirements
The following requirements pertain to any situation where a food service facility is constructed or materially altered, or when an existing structure is converted for use as a food service facility.
A complete set of scaled plans must be submitted, reviewed, and approved by:
- The DPIE Health Review Section prior to commencing site work; and/or
- The Health Department prior to selling, serving, storing or preparing food onsite.
The plans must detail the specifications for the construction, remodel/alteration including the layout/arrangement, construction materials, equipment specifications, scope of operation and, in some instances, specific details of proposed methods of food processing.
Items Required for a Health Review:
- Scaled drawings to include architectural, plumbing, mechanical, reflected ceiling, a finish schedule, and a labeled fixture layout
- Menu
- HACCP plan
- Equipment cuts sheets
- Pay Health Review fees
Special Events
BEFORE you submit your online application, include the date of the event, time of the event (from set up to end), number and sizes of all structures, tents/stages/generators, etc. that will be used at the event. Please note that applications should be submitted 45 days prior to the event, but no less than 3 weeks prior to the event to ensure DPIE review and approvals are completed. Applications submitted less than 3 weeks prior to the event are not guaranteed to receive all reviews, approvals or inspections to permit the event and are subject to expedited review fees per the information below.
Special Events Application and Plan Review Requirements
- Site Address and Property Tax Account Number
- Site Plan showing the location of all structures that will be on the property the day of the event
- Special Event Checklist (upload into ePlan)—The Special Event Temporary Use Procedures Checklist must be submitted into the ePlan system with documents and plans to ensure required items are included with each application for review.
- If tents are used, the manufacturer’s flame retardation specifications/certification are required. Please indicate on the application and site plan the number and dimensions of tents that will be used for the event.
- If generators are used, a master electrician has to obtain the electrical permit. Please indicate on the application and site plan the number, sizes. kilowatts, and location of generators that will be used for the event.
- If there are structures, i.e., stages/platforms/inflatables/carnival rides etc., you need to submit signed and sealed structural drawings. Please indicate on the application and site plan the number of structures and dimensions that will be used for the event.
- Contact the Fire Marshall’s Office, Health Department Inspections, Third-Party Inspections (if applicable) and DPIE Inspections to determine their requirements and coordinate inspections. DPIE inspector contacts are Walter Balma (240) 723-0921 and Brandon Wright (240) 508-9639. Click to view a complete listing of Special Event Contacts. Click to view Third-Party Inspection Information.
- Fee of $165 (up to 10 structures, then $22 per structure) + 5% technology fee + expedited fee(s) if applicable.
- The owner's business must be registered and in Good Standing with the State of Maryland.
For the online application, use the Momentum portal and enter the information directly into the County’s Permitting System.
Expedited Reviews
The Prince George’s County Council adopted the Special Event Expedited Review Fee via Resolution (CR-15-2023) to cover expedited plan reviews and inspections for the issuance of Special Event Temporary Use and Occupancy Permit applications. The fees and charges are designated in the DPIE Fee Schedule.
For more information, view the Special Event Permit page.